A set of favourites, focus on Africa, ranging afar ... spoken word and poetry in French and English from Africa, France, Nederlands, Canada, Australia. For both the rabbit and the lion – the lion may be fierce but the rabbit has fierce skill!
Tell Our Daughters
I wasn't planning to make much of this set here, but events of this week have made me feel it's important to honour the powerful women in my life.
Lapkat full speed, no brakes...
A Lapkat mix ... a stuttering love letter to my Pacific friends.
Dialectic Radio 178: DJ Click, Bandish Projekt & Bant Singh Project
For our ears only, an exclusive mix for Dialectic by DJ Click (Paris), taking us on a journey following the path of the Roma people, from Delhi to Seville. 555 then brings us back to India, via the Bant Singh Project and Bandish Projekt
The EQ of Revolution: poets of revolution, poets of freedom
I wanted to share this little set from last southern autumn / northern spring. A short live set inspired by the poets of revolution, the poets of freedom.