Audio Documentary & Audio Art (Archive)

Grinning Soul ★

Irreverent, spontaneous, lo-fi, unashamedly sentimental collage of David Bowie’s voice and comedic moments, for the “Fuck You, Cancer - A David Bowie Tribute” fundraiser for cancer research, at the Gasometer Hotel, Melbourne, 7 February 2016.

Installed in the bathrooms of the hotel, played on a loop through iPods taped to the back of speaker PAs. This mix was created using the kind of cut-up techniques Bowie used for songwriting (via William S Burroughs), throwing a lot of clips into Cubase, moving them around on the timeline developing rhythms from some whistles and loops of drums from the song Five Years to give us something to 'hang on to'.

Take it with you.
Play it to your mum.
[he] will be our living end.

Mamma Don’t Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Cowboys

From the vault: made for all the horses’ birthdays, for 2FBI radio, Sydney, in the days when you still had to scroll through DVDs, VHS, grabbing samples in real time …

Composed of hundreds of samples from movies, archival race calls, comedy, and mashups of different versions of the song “Wild Horses”.

Rough and ready, but a sentimental favourite.


Based on the principles of cumulative assembly, EXQUISITE is a visual, performance and sound art exploration into creating a seamless, temporary, and immersive work. Groups of artists from East Timor, Tibet, Indonesia and Australia collaborated in a process following the 'Exquisite Corpse' game of the Surrealists. Each group worked together over a 24-hour period, picking up from threads left by the previous group, not knowing how the works all fit together until the day of the Big Reveal. EXQUISITE 2016 took place in Melbourne at the Footscray Community Arts Centre as part of Festival of Live Art 2016.

This is a one-hour art documentary soundwork, discovering the growing collaborative installation as it happens. Featuring Krack Studios, SURVIVE! Garage, Ace House, The Contemporary Pacific Arts Festival, Artlife, Art Music Today.


Based on the principles of cumulative assembly, EXQUISITE is a visual, performance and sound art exploration into creating a seamless, temporary, and immersive work. Groups of artists from Australia, East Timor and Indonesia collaborated in a process following the 'Exquisite Corpse' game of the Surrealists. Each group worked together over a 24-hour period, picking up from threads left by the previous group, not knowing how the works all fit together until the day of the Big Reveal on 5 March, 2015. EXQUISITE 2015 took place in Melbourne at the Footscray Community Arts Centre.

This soundwork was played during the exhibition evening in the space with the artworks. Featuring The Contemporary Pacific Arts Festival Vs. SURVIVE Garage, FCAC ArtLife Vs. Krack! Studio, FRAG Inc Vs. Papermoon Puppet Theatre, Animatism Vs. Kunci Cultural Studies Centre, FCAC ECL Alumni Vs. Ace House Collective