WOW Women, Art & Politics Residency

A collaborative performance and sound installation.

Part of the 2017 Women of the World (WOW) Festival Melbourne (a collaboration between Footscray Community Arts Centre’s Collaborate Asia Program and Asia TOPA) the “Women, Art & Politics” residency was a two-week coming together of women artists and activists from Timor Leste, Bangladesh, Indonesia, India, Sudan, Argentina and Australia.

For two weeks, nine women from different backgrounds, cultures, and ages came together to talk about politics, art, activism, men, women, everything.

The artists: Lena Caminha (Timor Leste), Sadaf Saaz (Bangladesh), Fitriani Dwi Kurniasih (Indonesia), Heather Horrocks (AUS) Lisa Greenaway (AUS), Mallika Taneja (India), Ahmarnya Price (AUS), Leticia Caceres (Argentina/AUS) and Bigoa Chuol (Sudan/AUS). 


“Perempuan Merdeka : WOW Women Art & Politics Residency Soundscape”

This soundscape was built as the two week residency progressed, in collaboration with all of the artists and in a very spontaneous and organic way. Voices recorded in moments snatched between conversation, visual art making, and performance rehearsal. Songs and poems recorded late at night in The White House in Footscray, and in between noisy rain showers in The Line warehouse.

Together every day, and night, conversations abounded and rebounded. This soundscape is absolutely a work of distilling the spirit of that coming together, the moments of both confusion and clarity that came with deep conversation about women, equality, diversity, intersectionality, sustainability, and the urgency and compassion of activism. The sounds of the waves and the winds forming the aural landscape throughout are predominantly created from the women's voices, breathing, laughing, whispering, singing. Footsteps on the warehouse's old metal floors, Heather's charcoal pencil, Lena and Fitri's scissors and pens. My own poem, lung capacity, was a last-minute addition, recorded at 3am after sitting with all of these voices for hours, realising that this poem written 10 years ago is still distressingly relevant. 

This soundscape is the sound of women from very different countries, languages, cultures and perspectives, learning from each other. It is my gift to them, also, made with a deep love and gratitude for their generous spirits.

During the two weeks we created a collaborative performance of theatre, dance, poetry and sound (see video below) which was performed on Friday 24th March at the Wow cafe, FCAC lawn. The full 30 minute soundscape was then played continually on loop at the wall featuring Fitri DK and Anisa Shabrina Yunus' paste up artwork (perempuan merdeka) throughout the weekend of the festival, 24th/25th March 2017. 


An intensive two-week residency between powerful and loving figures, expressing poetry, humour, grief, anger and freedom, culminated in a co-created performance in the WOW Café outdoor space.

Paste Up & installation

Fitri DK and Anisa Shabrina Yunus led the imagery for the large paste up on the FCAC exterior, with the soundscape playing in front of the wall for the festival weekend. Visually, the Women of the World paste up created an impacting point of conversation and pride in the ephemeral work by members of the general public, FCAC’s regular arts community, core staff and key artists.


The Seadragon's Lair


Nailing Remembrance