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LOVE: Africa Set

The answer is simple. It's the answer to every question, every problem, every nervous condition, every loss of confidence, every governmental or social equality question. That's why the poets keep writing it, keep singing it, keep telling us and telling us and telling us, until the message hits home. We know it, but we need to apply it. The answer is love. [mixcloud width=100% color=128422 hide_cover=1]


This is a live set for Sista Zai's poetry, food and music love-in last weekend at Melbourne's Horse Bazaar. High on Taka's fried chicken, high on love for these many favourite tracks from across the African continent, plus excursions into the Caribbean and South American diaspora.

May all my friends across that wide strong land be and stay safe. I wish that my country would do more for West Africa, in dark times. We will continue to work to reverse the selfishness and bring about a better world, powered by love (and solar!)

This image is from Zai's chapbook project - I'll let Zai explain it.

"'Sankofa' an Adinkra symbol from the script of the Akan people's of Ghana. The duck/water fowl generally propels itself forward by thrusting its neck back. 'Sankofa' means 'go back and fetch it' ... in my own words #journey #back2centre"

Check out Zai's chapbook 'Journey Back 2 Centre' and her many good-hearted projects at